Juniors (winter and summer):
- College grey trousers/shorts (wool or wool look-alike).
- Short sleeve white shirt with school logo (summer/winter).
- Long sleeve plain white shirt with school logo (winter).
- School tie (not mandatory).
- Socks – college grey with school colours if worn with shorts/plain grey socks with trousers.
- Shoes – black leather lace up school shoes (NO boots, trainers/joggers, or canvas and ballet-type shoes).
- Jumper – bottle green woollen jumper with school logo or sloppy joe with school name.
- School jacket with school logo.
- Cap – black with school logo only.
- Bottle Green Scarf only (winter).
Seniors (winter and summer):
As above. Blazer is preferred and compulsory for prefects. The Year 12 Jersey/Jacket annual design approved by Executive is permitted from beginning of their final year of school only.

Juniors - winter (Terms 2 & 3):
- Bottle Green Junior skirt or slacks.
- White short or long sleeve over blouse with school logo.
- School tie (not mandatory).
- Black stockings OR white socks. Shoes – black leather lace up (NO boots or trainers/joggers, canvas or ballet-type).
- Jumper – bottle green woollen jumper with school logo or sloppy joe with school name.
- School jacket with school logo.
- Cap – black with school logo only.
- Bottle Green Scarf only.
Juniors - summer (Terms 1 & 4):
- Green & white check dress replaces skirt/slacks and blouse.
- White socks only.
- Black leather lace-up shoes.
Seniors (winter & summer):
As above except that check senior skirt is worn instead of bottle green junior skirt (all year). The Year 12 Jersey/Jacket annual design approved by Executive is permitted from beginning of their final year of school only.
Sport and PE Uniforms
- Students are able to wear full sports uniform on Wednesdays or specified sport day (e.g. School Carnival or Year 7 Gala Day).
- Full sport uniform to be brought to school on designated days.
- Bottle Green polo shirt with school logo.
- Shorts – unisex bottle green shorts with school logo.
- CHS School Track suit – optional (winter only).
- Trainers/joggers and white socks.
- Cap – black with school logo only.
Please Note: Hair ornaments must be in school colours (i.e. bottle green). Studs or sleepers may be worn in ears. Other items like jewellery are discouraged for security and safety reasons. Make-up and brightly coloured nail polish are discouraged, as is brightly coloured hair. Other items of clothing not specified above are not to be worn – even if in correct school colours (except for cultural/religious reasons approved by the Principal).
Uniform Policy (PDF 14 KB)
Uniforms can be purchased via our online store, with orders delivered to students in class.